Friday, February 25, 2005

Really Easy...

FRIDAY 25/2/05, 8AM- 5K

Because of tomorrow's 5K Challenge I took it really easy today- 5K barefoot on grass before work in 24.32. It was 21 degrees but with a strong sun and over 90% humidity- the ground was covered in dew (interesting sensation underfoot) and the sweat was dripping off me within minutes. Calves still a bit sore. Hopefully this sort of running will toughen them up over the long term.

The Garmin returned a reading of 5.26K- the most accurate reading yet on this track, but still out by a fair way. It was spot on at the 1K, 30m ahead at 2K, 70m ahead at 3K, 120m ahead at 4K. The effect seems to be magnified as distance increases.

Now for the 5K at the Bay....


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