Friday, February 11, 2005

Flats and Hills.

FRIDAY 11/2/2005, 6AM- 13K

Met DJL on a semi cloudy morning (18 C, 70% humidity) for 2 x 5min hard with 90 seconds recovery and 6 x 200m hills. After a warmup, we started from the 3K marker on the CR Bay Run 5K course, heading clockwise. Logged 1.32km at 3.46min/km pace. On the return I basically duplicated that- 5 minutes saw me two steps short of where I'd started, so another 1.32/3.46. How I ran 3.37 for the first K of the November CR 5k I'll never work out.

We jogged back to Lilyfield Rd hill and I banged out the first 5 reps of 200m hills in 47, 46, 45, 46, then we decided to make the last rep all the way to the top of the hill- 300m. I thought sub 70 seconds was possible but the legs were going to jelly and I managed a 74- I think that may still be a PB for this hill. Had to sit down for a minute or two at the top.

3K walk as warm down. Feeling a bit more confident about things now- I did this session a couple of weeks ago and the two 5min reps were about 9 sec/km slower, and in 45 seconds I only managed about 170m of hill.

Racing the Equaliser on Sunday.

EDIT- FRIDAY 11/2/2005, 12.30PM

Rowed 7798m in 30 minutes (8 metre improvement!) and 3 x 20 situps with a 10kg weight against my chest. Felt a bit wanky for the first 5-6 mins on the rower, then I started to pick it up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good session big fella, kept me honest. I see you've figured out some Garmin functions...


11:28 am  

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