Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Short Hills Go Long.

4 hours sleep.
Fronted at Lilyfield Rd this morning for hills once more. The regular squad were drilling away as usual, I ended up doing a shorter variation with Stephen and Cam- 15 minutes of 45 second hills.
The extra 15 seconds actually makes quite a difference compared to the 30 second hills session I did last week. It feels more like a "proper session" to my mind (speaking as someone who loves running uphills, anyway) whereas the 30 second hills seemed to be over almost as soon as I started.
I elected to stick with Stephen as we banged out 8 reps. The first 5 were around 200m each and I managed to finish with (or even ahead of!) Stephen, but I then faded (pushed it a bit too hard) and did mind 170s for reps 6 and 7, then for the last we decided to run all the way to the top and Cam (mountain goat) and Stephen left me well behind as I completed the 300 in 81 seconds. Ugly, but I was not unhappy with the session. 5K warm up and 3K warm down.
Reasonable conditions this morning- 16 degrees, 80% humidity and clear sky.
Oddly, legs were still trashed from Sunday. Something must have gone VERY wrong there. Might shift my Bay TT from Wednesday to Thursday this week- I'll make a decision when I get up in the morning.


Ambled up to the park and did drills. Legs very stiff and somewhat sore.


Blogger Clairie said...

Mister G you definitely need to go and get some help with your sleep.
I would be on death row now with the lack of sleep you seem to be working through.
Have you always slept so few hours or is it due to a change in your training?
A few runners I know are also bad sleepers so I am wondering if high mileage causes adverse effects to sleep habits??
I sleep like a baby but I also train like one so I can't comment....... :)

1:53 pm  

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