Sunday, June 25, 2006

Woodford-Glenbrook 25K.

SUNDAY 25/6/06, 10.30PM, 25K, WEEKLY TOTAL 94.5K, 6 HOURS SLEEP, SHOES: ASICS 1100

A confluence of a few things had me doing this race today. SW wanted a hard 20K run from me, he'd also advocated picking the odd race of 20-30K distance to substitute for the semi long solid paced run, and a committment I thought I'd have on today didn't materialise, so I made up my mind to race around 8am and drove down the road to Woodford to register.

Clear old day. The course follows the Oaks Fire Trail, starting off up and down and quite eroded and rutted, but the second half is all gradual downhill on a very smooth surface.

My right achilles was still damned tight and sore- referred tension from my calf. Not good for a pounding downhill race, so I started fairly conservatively and just set about finding a rhythm. After struggling a bit on the early hills, from about 45 minutes I was chugging along reasonably well and started to pass a few people, including Gefjam just before the helipad at 12K. My achilles was sore all the way, but a bit looser at the end than the start.

From the helipad it was a steady descent to the finish and I picked it up a bit, passing a few people till I ran up to Prof and adjudged his pace good enough to match mine. We hung out pretty much from there till the final stretches, doing around 4.30min/Ks and Prof constantly studying his 305 and trying to work out whether the sub 2 hour finish was on or not.

After a few Ks Gefjam caught back up to us and I was redlining- kept wishing the bloody finish would come up so I could stop! Prof and Gefjam drew away from me a little bit in the last couple of Ks- just couldn't hold onto the other two- and I crossed in 2.02.

Felt pretty happy with the effort- knew I could have gone no faster (thanks to the boys for dragging me through) and definitely good training. Spent the afternoon wandering round in Skins- legs feel fine now, but we'll see how they are in the morning.

Great to catch up with the crowd- Mr Every, Kanangra, Spud, Rocket, Blue Dog, Sarge, etc.


Blogger Clairie said...

Great run Mister G!

Hope the legs and esp. the achilles are not too tight and sore today.

8:06 am  

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