Monday, June 19, 2006

Long Run.


Out the door after a solid sleep in. I went for a more time efficient route than yesterday, running to Tableland Rd via Wentworth Falls Lake, then the Ingar and Murphys Glen Firetrails to Woodford, then return.

Quite a bit of elevation change- from my place at 990m elevation the course descends over 20K to 400m elevation at Bedford Creek, then climbs to Woodford at 29K, then reversed- down to 400m, then climbing to almost 1000m again.

Cool day with a few clouds- probably 10 or 12 degrees at most. Wore a coolmax t shirt most of the way, swapping it for a longsleeve coolmax at Woodford, then for a fleece pullover at Tableland Rd for the last 10K.

After feeling wretched for the first 5K, I picked it up on the gradual descent to Bedford Creek and was doing sub 5 minute Ks along Ingar firetrail. The climb out of Bedford Creek gorge was slow but I managed to run it all and got to Woodford (29K) in 2.48 and feeling full of running.

I had a substantial meal at Woodford and felt very sluggish on the return leg, the gradual uphill wearing me down gradually until I arrived back at Tableland Rd (48K) feeling buggered, having passed the marathon distance in about 4.25. A couple of Up and Go liquid meals and I set off for Wentworth Falls in the twilight, met Mel for the last time at Wentworth Falls Lake (55K) and slowly ground out the last 3K for home in gathering darkness. 58 kilometre run, duration 6.22.

My longest run since the 100 miler at Glasshouse, nine months ago.

Legs were quite thrashed afterwards and the rest wasn't much better, but some hearty eating has helped considerably in the last few hours.

Very glad to get this one out of the way. Didn't feel as good at the end as I did at the end of my run to Packsaddlers the other week, but I was quite a bit quicker than that run, walking much less over a course with plenty of long vertical.


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