Sunday, May 14, 2006

Tour de Lookout.

SUNDAY 14/5/06, 4PM, 28K, WEEKLY TOTAL 59K

After a sleep in and doing Mother's Day stuff, I left the house around 4pm, with the temperature around 10 degrees and light cloud in the sky. I had a three hour run in mind so was prepared for cold weather- I wore my Netti longsleeve shirt, and carried with me a skullcap, gloves and headlamp for use after the sun set.

With dark falling in an hour, I resigned myself to a run that was all on the road, no trails. Sigh. I ran out to Sublime Point lookout along my usual route, got to the lookout in 32 minutes, came back and refilled my bottle at the Mall. Then headed up the long hill on Lovel St, turned into Lurline St and rolled down to Echo Point, arriving there just as the last light was in the sky. A red glow rimmed Narrow Neck, just outlining the bushfire tower on Clear Hill.

I donned the skullcap, gloves and headlamp and headed out along Cliff Drive for a bit, then cut up Narrow Neck Rd for a long uphill haul towards Valley Rd and the intersection with the highway. It was cold and I was pretty much by myself, with the very occasional car passing by. Off to my right I was looking down on the lights of Katoomba and a chiily breeze was blowing.

Finally the lights of Arjuna's Indian Restaurant came into view showing I was at the top of the hill. I refilled my bottle again at the bushfire centre and returned back down Valley Rd, retracing my steps to Echo Point, then back up Lurline St, Lovel St, Govett St and home.

28.1K in 2.43.40, 5.49min/km. I felt much better than my last few 30Kish runs- I was cruising at easy pace and could have picked it up if needed. DIdn't feel tired at all, but did get hungry in the last 3K or so, but was able to run up the last uphill on Govett St without problems. Legs feel fine.

Nice run.


Blogger 26miles said...

Good to see you getting back into G! It sounds like a great run.

10:49 pm  

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