Wednesday, May 03, 2006


TUESDAY 2/5/06, 11AM, 5K

Jogged around Werrington in the course of work.

WEDNESDAY 3/5/06, 7.45AM, 9K, WEEK TO DATE 14K

Windy day, very strong gusts. I turned up at the track at Pitt Park and figured that there was little point doing timed intervals into gusting winds, so did the old alternating 30 seconds hard/30 seconds jog for 15 minutes session instead. 2K warmup, 6 x 100m, 30/30s, 6 x 100m, 2K warmdown.

Did some of this barefoot, but mostly wearing the Nike Frees- last Tuesday's barefoot session cut my feet up a bit and they're still too tender to do a full interval session barefoot as they used to.

Cold morning, less than 10 degrees. Felt pretty reasonable. Glad to get some speedwork in.


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