Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Bug Bites Back.

TUESDAY 25/10/05, 12.30PM, 11.5K (62.44, 5.27min/km), 5 HOURS SLEEP

A lap of LCNP on a hot and humid day (27 degrees, sunny but had rained half an hour beforerhand). Started out at a good pace, judging by recent form (25.44 at the weir) but I was working very hard- heart was pounding and sweat was dripping off me with every footstrike. Started to back off, but coming off the Porter Creek bridge with about a mile to go, all my energy drained away and I walked the kilometre from the bridge to the top gates, then slowly jogged back into the office.

I suspect that, given the fever, the heat and humidity today reallygot to me. Will make for an interesting couple of months ahead, with summer spproaching....


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