Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Glasshouse Trail 100 Miles.



My year-long sub 24 hour dreams evaporated quickly on Saturday morning as I found it uncharacteristically tough to hold the pace with Spud and Hermie from around the marathon point onwards. It was warm but not oppressive- 25 degrees was the Saturday max at Beerburrum. In previous years it's been 10 degrees higher.

Ended up walking pretty much all the way from cp8 to cp7 as what seemed like half the field blew past. At 7 I had three strong, sugared coffees which, combined with some inspired pacing from Skizzik, perked me up enough that I was able to pass Tim back, then ran strongly back to cp6 (93K) in the gathering darkness, fortified by more coffee. I started to think maybe a 25 hour run was possible, which would still be a PB.

However, I fell apart on the leg back to 5 (past Mt Beerwah) as an inspired Virtual blew past me in the darkness. Shuffling towards 5, I found myself on my hands and knees on the side of Connection Rd, vomiting up what I'd consumed in the previous few hours. I slumped into a chair at 5, shaking so badly I couldn't hold a cup without spilling the contents. Eventually I left 5 in the company of pacers MJ and Brendan and pretty much walked back to 2 (113K)- any attempt to pick up the pace sent my heart rate take off and brought on dizzy attacks.

With Skiz MJ, Brendan and Schultzy pacing me at various times (thanks so much, folks!), I pretty much walked it from there, having to take powernaps at 1a, 9, 10 and 9 again as I was in such poor shape. Final time was 28.28, which was my fourth consecutive finish, but I felt empty- no elation to speak of, and I'd trade all four finishes for Spud's 21 hour run.

Wonderful crews, pacers and aid stations at this event. Some runners were sublime, some gutsy- Paul Every, take a bow. AB and Hermie- we've got some thinking to do.

Did a good job on footcare at least- my second straight Glasshouse 100 miler without a single blister.

Gutted is my description of how I feel about my race, particularly as I don't know what went wrong. I was in cracking from four weeks earlier. Looking forward to not doing much running for a few weeks.

Might post a fully detailed report later.


Blogger Cirque said...

Plu's right Mr G. We were all thinking of you and following your progress. I'm sorry you didn't get the time you'd hoped for.

3:28 pm  
Blogger Dave said...

Quite a perplexing change in form after the excellent 12' run. I can imagine the disappointment you are feeling, it's also pretty evident in your report.

Enjoy the time off and refresh both the body and mind. Maybe that may make things clearer. Looking forward to catching up over a beer next Friday.

3:45 pm  
Blogger Ewen said...

In a race that long 'a bad day at the office' really shows up.

With the future... after C2K, why not spend 6 months getting that 38 or 39-something 10k? The only reason I say this is that I know you're interested in speed, not just ultras. It's best to do the fast stuff while you're young. As Trevor Jacobs and others have shown, you can run good ultras into your 50s.

You could do 2 speed sessions, a time trial/tempo run and a long run - maybe only 70k a week. It would still be possible to run 6ft, but you would be a 38-something 10k runner doing 6ft. It would also freshen up the mental side of things.

3:59 pm  
Blogger Superflake said...

Huge effort Mister G in continuing to push through to the finish. I can't imagine how you feel at the moment about the lost sub 24hr. But keep your spirits up. Cheers.

12:53 am  

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