Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas is Sublime.


Not a good start to the running day. The evening before I'd removed some tape from my poor old right foot and pulled more skin off with it. However, more tape and two thick pairs of socks were deployed again this morning.... and the day got much better.

I was up the Blue Mountains and Mother Nature turned on one of those excellent mountains misty cool days that occasionally crop up to combat the summer heat, so I headed out at 8am for a 14km out and back run along the Grose Head South trail.

This trail drops to the floor of a valley and passes through a rare stand of temperate rainforest and an array of constant birdcalls greets those who pass through. The odd tendril of mist drifted through the treetops. I saw one runer and one walker, both coming back towards me- usually this trail is quite popular with MTBers and walkers but, it seems, not today.

After 5K a left hand turn took me up 160m vertically over the 1.2km long Bees Nest Hill and eventually to a little known lookout overlooking the junction of Springwood Creek and the Grose River, with the roar of water drifting 400m vertically up. The surrounding hills were all wreathed in fog. I was alone.

After lingering about 10 minutes I retraced my steps. The last kilometre was on fairly flat sealed road, so I cranked it up and did it in about 4.05. Total time about 1.20 after subtracting my loitering at the Lookout. Foot felt fairly good.

Excellent run. Road running in the city is all well and good, but runs like today's are the ones that perk me up for the rest of the day.


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