Thursday, May 18, 2006

Improvised Speedwork.

THURSDAY 18/5/06, 11AM, 9.5K, WEEK TO DATE 42.5K, 5.5 HOURS SLEEP

I was spending the afternoon and evening working at the Uni clinic at UWS Campbelltown, so figured I'd do my speedwork on campus before getting busy.

After a little investigation I worked out that UWS Campbelltown, unlike UWS Bankstown, does not have a track, so I did an improvised session on the rugby fields.

2K warm up, 6 x 100m strides, 6 x 90 seconds hard with 90 seconds jog recovery, 6 x 100m strides, 2K warm down. Didn't feel great, but got through.

Clear sky but humid, about 20 degrees. A change to be able to run shirtless, instead of wearing a longsleeve thermal as I have been lately.

Boring setting for a run- dry scrub on all sides of the field and a railway line on one side. Most uninspiring.


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