Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Wednesday Goes L O N G.

WEDNESDAY 27/4/05, 6.20AM- 28K (2.26.54- 5.15min/km)- WEEK TO DATE 58K

I got home at 11.30 last night with a few glasses of red in my system. Only had four hours sleep.

My alarm went off at 4.30 this morning and I lay there staring at the roof for a few minutes until the second alarm went off. Came into the office and was running by about 6.20. My work is 750m from the top gates of Lane Cove National Park so I ran to the park, did 2 laps of the Striders LC 10K course, with an extension across the weir and up the Bradfield St hill which adds a bit over 3K on each lap. Then ran back to the office. 28K total.

Felt most uninspired- was on sub 5 min/km down to the weir the first time but dropped off after that. Halfway was reached in 72 minutes, so I fell off by three minutes in the back 14K. Form-wise didn't feel that good either. But I stuck with it and ground my way through the session regardless. Could have done with some company though.

This was the first morning this year that it was cool enough for my breath to fog. About 15 C at the start, but humid enough at the end for the singlet to come off. Saw Spud as I was finishing the first lap and late saw Pete Truscott moving very fast.

Had a shower and was at my desk by about 9.15. I'd like to be running it at under 5min/km pace but it's hard to inspire yourself when running alone. The pace will improve.

WEDNESDAY 27/4/05, 4PM- 10.5K (49.51- 4.45min/km)- WEEK TO DATE 68.5K

Took my "lunch break" at 4pm to give my legs more recovery time, more time to eat, plus it actually fit in better with my work schedule. I did the usual route to Dunbar Field, did 5K barefoot on the grass track, and return. Form wise felt much better than this morning, and quite fresh once I'd warmed up. Sunny and about 23 C.

Good ending to a solid day (38.5K of running today). Got to work on consistently pacing that long one though, and bring it under 5min/km.


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