Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Solid Longish Run.

WEDNESDAY 6/4/05, 7.15AM- 21.5K (1.42.19- 4.45min/km)- WEEK TO DATE 60.5K

16 C and 80% humidity when I arrived at the office to do a solid-paced longish one before work. I was a little later starting than I anticipated. I ran to the LCNP gates on Lane Cove Road, did two laps of the Striders 10K course, then back to the office for a total of 21.5K in 102 minutes, which compares nicely to the 99 minute Half I did on pretty much the same course in October (okay, that was a bit of a soft time). Legs felt a bit tired for the first few km (quads and calves) but once I warmed up it was okay, although the humidity was sufficient for me to take my singlet off and in the last few km my groin was tightening up.

Solid work without stuffing myself too much. Didn't record my splits (stupid!) but from memory I got to the weir the first time in 25.00, came off Scribbly in 39.05, top gate in 51.15, weir second time in 75.55, bottom of Scribbly second time 89.xx. Prettye ventful- just after I started some bloke running in Lowes gear sat on my shoulder for the first couple of km, and after that I saw Boof on his bike, O Runner doing an easy trot (sporting a shaved head by the look of it), and down near the weir on both loops some sort of photo shoot involving two dudes in running gear and a girl. Not sure what was going on there.

Pretty pleased with this session- I can only get quicker at it and will try to do it regularly, hopefully with an earlier start.


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