Friday, February 09, 2007

Woodford- Glenbrook.

FRIDAY 9/2/07, 30K (2.52, 5.43min/km), WEEK TO DATE 86K, 6 HOURS SLEEP, ASICS 1120

Got dropped at Woodford late in the morning on a coolish (21 degrees) day which threatened drizzle, ran from there to home in Glenbrook via the fabled Oaks firetrail.

Been too busy to run the last couple of days- sounds silly but work has been crazy. When you have your own business you don't get lunch breaks to bang out the odd 12K...

Anyway I took it fairly easy and just wanted to get in some aerobic Ks. When I got to the gate just above the Oaks Picnic Ground, rather than take the usual option of running down the dirt road to the causeway I took the MTBer's singletrack which runs parallel to the dirt road. I had not done it before and found it sublime by comparison. Winding in and out of trees and skipping over the odd tree root but still able to belt along at a good pace, it was a great change from the dirt road (which I shall avoid wherever possible in future).

The footing became pretty technical the last kilometre or so before reaching the causeway, plenty of sidetracks to explore in the future.

As usual I died in the arse climbing out of the Causeway and was pretty slow the last couple of Ks running to home- adding some extra distance around the local streets to bump the distance up to 30K.

On target for another 100K week.

In response to comments, there are a few events I'm still tossing up before putting them as goals on the blog, including Spud's June 12FT and C2K. At Glasshouse I have my streak of 5 straight finishes to continue with which is decent motivation. Not sure if I have the desire for C2K at the moment.

Doing Canberra HIM would be in order to get into Ironman Oz 2008. Couple of MTB races I'd like to do (if I can actually get in some MTBing!) would be the Dirtworks 100K in May and the Highland Fling 100 mi in November. Depends on how much riding I get in over the next few months- riding is good training for WS, builds up the quads....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought IMOZ had scrapped the qualifying criteria now? MPH

12:48 pm  

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