Monday, August 01, 2005

Long Run- Bridges.

SUNDAY 31/7/05, 1PM, 36K (3.02.12, 5.03min/km), WEEKLY TOTAL 104K, 7 HOURS SLEEP

Slept in amd missed the STaR, so after lunch I set out to do my own long run around "the Bridges"- start in Sussex St (city), up the High Steps to Observatory Hill, across the Harbour Bridge, up to Crows Nest, down River Rd, Burns Bay Rd, Gladesville Bridge, two laps of the Bay Run (one with the Dog Loop extension), Lilyfield Rd, Anzac Bridge, Pyrmont, Pyrmont Bridge, finishing in the city where I started.

Felt awful for the first half hour or so (which is pretty much all uphill)- tired, a bit queasy (had some risotto for brunch which did not agree with me) and my hamstrings were beat up from the 5K. However, I eased into things along the hills of River Rd and had dipped under 5min/km as I hit the Bay Run. It was a warm afternoon for winter- I ran without a singlet for much of the trip. Both soleus were sore at first but once I warmed up they were just a bit stiff, not painful. My hip did start clicking just after the Half marathon point, but it went away after a few minutes. It was sore after the run, however.

Started to feel a bit hungry on the second lap of the Bay and accordingly my pace slowed on the hills along Lilyfield Rd and over the Anzac Bridge, but managed to hold it at 5.03min/km over the last couple of km to the finish. Not a bad run.


That's a bit more like it.


Blogger Aki said...

Hip area sounds nasty. I hope you recover well from this.

9:59 pm  

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