Wednesday, October 06, 2004


Did a quick 35 minute run from West Ryde station to the office this morning. This run is basically all uphill or flat, no downhill. It starts off with a climb up Anzac Ave (surely one of the steepest hills in Sydney) then picks up the Shrimptons Creek bike path for about 15 minutes, then finishes off with uphills on Waterloo and Talavera Rds.

At lunch I hit the gym and got on the rower. I've been trying to build up on this machine- started on 15 minutes at maximum dfficulty, then 16 minutes, etc. My last session (20 minutes) was tremendously hard physically and mentally, but today I churned through 25 minutes (6500m) and thought "I could've done 30". Might try that tomorrow. Hopefully my upper body is starting to adapt to the workload.

Normally I'd go for another run at lunch, but in the pursuit of speed (my first objective next year will be to take big chunks out of my 10K before I can build for the marathon) my mileage will be fairly low to ensure I'm as fresh as possible- 70-80km/week. So I'll be doing a fair amount of crosstraining, and the rower is not a bad choice- better than swimming anyway. Hopefully I can work up to doing 40, 45 minutes on the rower as a matter of course.


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